About Korean National Health Insurance:
You are automatically enrolled in the national health care plan when you register for your Alien Registration Card (ARC)
Cost depends, but it usually costs about $40 per month while you are living in Korea as a student
You will be mailed a bill every month to the address associated with you ARC
Payment types: Bank transfer at ATM, bank transfer with a bank teller, mobile payment (i.e. Kakao pay), bank transfer through banking app, etc.
Be mindful of the payment due date, as if you pay after the date you are limited in how you can pay
Useful Phrases:
우리은행 (oo-ri eun-haeng): Woori Bank*
신한은행 (shin-han eun-haeng): Shinhan Bank**
하나은행 (ha-na eun-haeung): Hana Bank***
*Used by Yonsei University
**Used by Ewha Woman's University
***Used by Korea University